Our colleague and member of the firm’s Litigation Department, Brodie Butland, recently wrote an interesting article for the The Business Suit, published by DRI. Because the article concerns the international arbitration case BG Group PLC v. Republic of Argentina as well as its implications for anyone facing or considering arbitration (regardless of venue), I wanted to take a moment to share it with you. Certainly, the  decision will have an impact on many industries.

Ostensibly, BG Group PLC v. Republic of Argentina is an international arbitration case based on a bilateral investment treaty between the United Kingdom and Argentina. But there is a significant chance that the U.S. Supreme Court will use the case to clarify several decades of precedents dealing with whether the issue of arbitrability is decided by a court or an arbitrator. Regardless, the court’s decision is likely to affect the practice of arbitration, international investment and the standing of the United States as a premier international forum for arbitration.  Read the full article — “BG Group PLC v. Republic of Argentina: One of the Most Significant Business Cases that You Have Never Heard of”