Last week the N.Y. Times reported here that Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann is bringing Ohio to the national stage regarding securities law enforcement and responsible corporate governance.

Since taking office in January, Mr. Dann has received national attention for persuading 23 state attorneys general to join in an amicus brief opposing the SEC’s position in a case before the U.S. Supreme Court about the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When enacted, the law created stricter standards for bringing private securities litigation against issuers of securities. Mr. Dann opposes the SEC’s contention that investor-plaintiffs should have to show “a high likelihood” that the defendant intended to violate the law.

The amicus brief—combined with Mr. Dann’s focus on stock option backdating by Ohio executives, state antitrust laws, and the obligations owed by directors to investors—has the N.Y. Times suggesting that Mr. Dann is emulating former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.