Over the past several months, the SEC has issued new and updated regulations that are likely to have an impact on your business now and in the near future. The compilation of articles in this eBook — SEC Updates: Staying Ahead of the Regulatory Curve — discuss three important SEC regulatory changes:

  1. Using social media for Regulation FD — A SEC report says some companies can comply with Regulation Fair Disclosure by posting information on social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. To avoid penalties, ask yourself a few key questions before assuming social media could be an acceptable method for your company to communicate with investors.
  2. Conflict minerals reporting — The process of tracking the components of your products to their source of origin is an extremely arduous and time-consuming task. Public companies — and private companies that provide materials to public companies — should start the inquiry process now.
  3. Compensation committee independence — An SEC rule designed to promote the independence of compensation committee members, consultants and advisers goes into effect July 1. Is your board ready to grapple with potential conflicts of interest or other independence concerns that could make some compensation committee members ineligible to serve?

Download our SEC Updates: Staying Ahead of the Regulatory Curve eBook.