Yesterday, proxy advisory firm ISS released its 2014 proxy voting guidelines, effective for shareholder meetings held on or after Feb. 1, 2014. ISS positions on some topics continue to evolve. Below are some notable differences from the 2013 Guidelines:
When determining votes on director nominees, four fundamental principles continue to apply: (1) accountability; (2) responsiveness; (3) independence; and (4) composition (last year “composition” was referred to as “competence”). The description of “independence” is more robust than last year, including a statement that “the chair of the board should ideally be an independent director,” which is not surprising given that ISS has previously supported shareholder proposals requiring an independent chair.
In 2013, ISS recommended withholding votes for directors if the board failed to act on a shareholder proposal that received the support of a majority of the shares outstanding the previous year. For 2014, ISS will recommend voting case-by-case in that scenario and will consider various factors including the subject matter of the proposal and the rationale provided in the proxy statement for the level of implementation.
Finally, ISS has expanded on the factors it will consider in determining how to vote on proposals to recoup incentive cash or stock compensation made to senior executives when the calculations turn out to be based on erroneous figures. Such factors include consideration of the rigor of the policy and how and under what circumstances compensation is subject to the clawback.